Arrive by car, train or plane and make your way to Quebéc City by the afternoon of Saturday, October 15. Check in at a hotel or AirBnb of your choice at your expense. Raymond will host a dinner at a quaint restaurant in the Old City on the evening of Friday, October 15. Bonus dinner is not mandatory. You are responsible for your accommodation, breakfast and lunch on October 15. You are responsible for your own breakfast and lunch on October 16.
The next morning and afternoon, you are on your own to explore the European flavours of this famous city. Wander through the narrow winding cobblestone walkways, savour the local cuisine, shop for unique souvenirs, and generally decompress from your life.
At a set time on Sunday afternoon October 16, you will board the Retreat bus for the one-hour journey to Club Med.
Once you arrive at Club Med, all expenses are paid and all teaching is included and daily fun is magnificent.
On October 20, you can opt to stay longer at your own expense, or you can board the Retreat bus to the Québec City Airport.